Thursday, August 19, 2010

Robotic Girl in Photoshop

Final Image Preview

create sexy robot


Open object that you whant convert to cyborg. We will use this sexy model.
create sexy robot


Create new layer. Take Elliptical Marquee tool and draw oval on the girls hips and fill this oval with dark grey color.
create sexy robot


Take Burn tool, set parameters: Range: Highlights; Exposure: 35%. Now make more darker oval both sides and top of oval. Then take Dodge tool, set same parameters and make more brighter oval bottom.
create sexy robot


Now create one more layer, take Elliptical Marquee tool and draw same oval below girls breasts, again take Burn tool and make more darker oval both sides and bottom of oval. With Dodge tool make more brighter oval top.
create sexy robot


Now holding Ctrl and Shift keys, click on both ovals layers. Create new layer. Eyedropper tool and select color similar to girls skin. Now with active new layer, go to Edit -> Stroke. Set options like these:
create sexy robot
create sexy robot

6. Step

Now active layer with girl, take Eraser tool and delete girls stomach
create sexy robot

7. Step

We get pretty nice effect. Each robot have engine, so we need to add robot girls engine. You can download it from Deviantart. Add this engine between both ovals. Use Transform toll to add engine in better place. We also use Transform option Warp. After you do that, take Eraser tool and delete all unnecessary engine details.
create sexy robot

8. Step

Take Burn tool and make more darker engine top and bottom. Now create new layer. Take Lasso tool, select Feather 20 px and on bottom of engine draw oval. Now go to Filer -> Render -> Clouds. Change Blending mode for this layer to Hard lights. Create new layer and do same action with top of engine.
create sexy robot
You see, that with this action we add smoke to engine. Now we need to delete all unnecessary smoke areas. We can also little bit colourful this smoke with Hue/Saturation function.
create sexy robot


So, robots stomach looks pretty nice. Now we need create robot arm. To do that, create new layer and again draw oval somewhere on girls arm, to this layer repeat Step.3.
create sexy robot
And again, create new layer, draw second oval on girls hand and repeat Step.4.
create sexy robot


To this both hand ovals repeat Step.5 and delete girls hand between theses two ovals.
create sexy robot


Now we need add robots hand. We will use one engine detail. You can download it on Deivantart. Create new layer and add this detail between to ovals on girls hand and delete all unnecessary details. You can see that on girls hand is curve, so to add this details in right place, use Transform option Warp.
create sexy robot


To girls robot hand we can also add smoke as on girls stomach. To do that, repeat Step 8.
create sexy robot


I think will be nice if part of robot skin will be little bit more technique. That way I will add techno texture to robot skin. You can download techno texture also on Devianart. Add this texture to our artwork, set Blending mode to Overlay, set Opacity to 60% and delete unnecessary textures areas.
create sexy robot


Almost done. Now we need to add some small details. As you all now robots have many wires. So we need to add some to our robot girl. Create new layer and add wires that you like and where you like. And that it. We create very lovely robot girl.

Result: Sexy robot-girl

create sexy robot

Download Psd file

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to make fire in Hell

Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

A few days ago I took sometime to try some tutorials I read such as the really cool Dramatic Text on Fire Effect in Photoshop by Collis from PSDTUTS, and put some 3D typography ideas into practice. My idea was to create a 3D text with fire coming from the inside of the document like a hole.

Step 1

The first thing you will have to do is create the 3D text. To do that you can use Illustrator. It has a very nice 3D filter and it will work just fine.
Type the text you want and go to Effect>3D>Extrude & Bevel. Change the Position to Off-Axix Bottom. Then you just rotate the X,Y, and X Axis until you get the result you want. Follow the image below for reference. Tip: It's very important that you select Draw Hidden Faces. Otherwise Illustrator will not create some faces that will be very important for the end result.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 2

Now you will have to expand the 3D effect in order to select and change the color of the faces you want. Go to Obejct>Expand Appearance. First select the top faces, and move them away. Then select just the outer faces and fill them with black.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 3 - Photoshop

Create a new document in Photoshop and fill the background with Black. Copy the 3D text without the top faces and paste it in Phothoshop. Position it in the middle of the document and reduce its size.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 4

With the Magic Wand Tool (W) select the black faces and delete them.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 5

Go to Images>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation, change the color of the text to Orange.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 6

Make sure you have black and white for the background and foreground colors. Then go to Filter>Render>Clouds... After that, resize the layer. Make it smaller just to cover the word. Then just change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 7

Now create a new layer on top of the others and fill it with black, then with the Brush Tool (B) select a regular brush, very soft, like 0% hardness, and white for the color. Then just paint over some ares to make them brighter. (1-4)
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 8

Apply a Layer Style to the 3D word, use Stroke with 1px Size, 40% Opacity and Black for the color.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 9

Let's add a Gradient Overlay to the background. It will be necessary in order to make some of the light effects work. Use Radial for the Style and use Black and #412e1d(brown) for the colors.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 10

Now duplicate the 3D layer and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur use 30px for the Radius. Position this layer beneath the Hell layer.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 11

With the Ellipse Tool(U) create an ellipse like the image below, then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 70px for the Radius. After that, just change the Blend Mode to Overlay.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 12

Create a new layer on top of the Backgroud layer. Fill it with white and go to Filter>Texture>Texturizer. Use 60% for Scaling, 15 for the Relief and Top for the Light. Change the Blend Mode to Multiply.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 13

Here I wanted to add a nice texture to the floor, so I used a wooden texture. You can find the one I used at Or you can check the Great Wood Textures at
Paste the image in the document and resize it to make it cover the gradient area. Then go to Edit>Transform>Distort. Move the vertices to apply a nice perspective to the wood. After that just change the Blend Mode to Multiply.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 14 - Fire

Now let's create the fire. To do that I will use what I learnt from the awesome Dramatic Text on Fire Effect in Photoshop by Collis from Basically we will get a photo of fire with flames and use the Warp tool to create different variations of the flame.
Download the image at and paste it in the document. Make sure that it's in front of the other layes. Then with the Eraser Tool (E) delete some areas. Also go to Edit>Transform>Warp and distort the flame to get a nice effect. Then just change the Blend Mode to Screen.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 15

Create more flames using the same technique, you can even use the Smudge Tool (R) to change the form of the flames.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 16

Create a new layer in front of the other layers and go to Filter>Render>Clouds. Make sure you have selected Black and White for the Background and Foreground colors. Then you can resize the layer a bit to make the smoke smaller. With the Eraser Tool (E) delete some areas and just leave smoke over the text. Then change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 17

Repeat the same thing as the previous step, this time however use Hard Light for the Blend Mode. This step will create a more volumetric smoke to the image.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 18

Let's create the cracks on the floor. To do that let's use another image from, you can download it at Place the image on the document and resize it to cover the gradient area. Then like we did before with the wood texture, go to Edit>Transform>Distort. Distort the image until you get a nice perspective, then change the Blend Mode to Multiply.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 19

This step might look complicated but it's not. Actually it's quite simple. Duplicate the crack layer and change the blend mode to Normal again. Go to Image>Adjustments>Invert, then go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate. This will invert the colors so what was once black will now become white and vice-versa. Now go to Image>Adjustments>Levels and use 40, 1.00, and 226.
Right after that select the Magic Wand Tool (W) and select the black part of the image. Then go to Select>Similar, Photoshop will select all the black from the layer. Then delete the blacks and you will have the cracks in white. Now just apply a Layer Style. Go to Layer>Layer Styles>Color Overlay. Use #ffba00 for the color.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 20

Select the Eraser Tool (E) with a big soft brush, use 0% hardness. Then start deleting the layer. Leave just a small area close to the word. After that go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a small value 0.5%. Then the last thing here, move this layer 2 pixels left and bottom, so it will create a nice 3D effect.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Step 21

Here you can duplicate the yellow crack layer and apply a another gaussian blur, this time use a greater value and change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. If you want you can duplicate it one or two more times to make the effect brighter.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop


You can add more cracks or change the flames, now it's up to you. The idea of this tutorial was to create an image using fire coming from hell, like a deeper place using 3D typography. It's basically a mix of tutorials and techniques. It's all about playing and looking on the web, there are really great tutorials out there.
Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop