Monday, August 1, 2011

Animation in Photoshop

Digital Human

1. Creat new document, size 400 x 600 px.
2. Creat new Guide like this
3. Use pen draw this path, name that "1"
4. Draw again, name that "2"

5. "3"
6. "4"
7. "5"

8. "6"
9. "7"
10. "8"

11. "9"
12. "10"
13. "11"

14. "12"

15. use Type Tool, 20 pt click in 1 > 12 and type random text, then Rasterize
all text, and you have 12 layer, đặt tên chúng từ 1 > 12 theo thứ tự từ dưới lên

Layer shot

16. Bring all to Image Ready ....

17. Hide all layer, add 11 frame, that all 12 frame

In frame 1, u unhide layer 1 ,inframe 2 , u unhide frame 2, do the same step
to frame 12.

Animation pattlet shot

17. Done !!! Cool idea ++ This is digital human go forward and go

Note : you can type text with a smaller size, it 'll fit your type area and
for the best result :)

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