Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fire With Dragon

Well the process of designing Fire Dragon wallpaper is not full of interesting tips and tricks. It was actually 24 hours of drawing with brushes of different sizes and colors.

As always, to start, we need background. Set foreground to dark red, background to black. Select Gradient tool, choose Radial type, fill the document dragging the mouse from bottom to top of image.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 1

The mountains in the background are very easy to do - they are simply black shapes made with Pen tool. So, take a Pen tool and make a shape :-)
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 2

Create new layer, take soft brush tool, set color to lighter red, and make strokes as shown here, touching the edge of mountain.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 3

Create clipping mask (from Layers menu). The mountain is ready.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 4


The same way, create as many mountains as you'd like.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 5

The dragon itself consists of 2 parts: soft brushes and hard brushes (outlines). Without many comments, let me show you soft brushes, layer by layer. Start with dark red very large soft brush (you can apply Gaussian Blur as well), and with each new layer, make brush smaller, make color lighter and move it from red to yellow.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 6

Next layer...
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 7

Next layer...
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 8

Next layer...
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 9

Next layer...
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 10

Next layer...
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 11 

Finally, here goes real Photoshop trick! The soft brushes are good for background colors, and hard brushes are good for outlines, but neither are good enough to draw fire. I tried using my tablet pressing hard brush gently, but I ended up with dragon made of fur, not fire :-) So I started playing with changing settings of default Photoshop brushes. Finally, I achieved something that satisfied me (I realize it is not perfect but drawing fire takes a lot of skills, I am only starting my way to it). You can download tool preset and try this brush yourself. DOWNLOAD TOOL PRESET.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 12

Using this brush, make some strokes around the edges of dragon... (on this image, I show only this layer on black background, so you can better see how this brush looks)
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 13

And then set layer mode to Overlay, and duplicate layer. This is the result, shown with all layers visible.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 14

Next trick is usually used in tutorials like Make your own Aqua OSX wallpaper! But I found I wanted this effect here too. Set color to grey (HEX 808080). With pen tool, create a shape of dragon.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 15


Set layer mode to Overlay. Because layer is grey, it will become invisible - do not worry! :-) Create new layer, and with black and white large soft brushes, put some dots here and there.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 16

Then, Create clipping mask (from layer menu). Magically, the brush is masked by vector layer, and inherited overlay!
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 17

You can repeat the same steps to create additional curve inside wings.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 18

And, use the same technique to make dragon head (or, unlike me, you could do it on previous step! That would be wiser :-)
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 19

This is how the head looks when I set shape layer mode to Overlay, then add black and white brush dots, and create clipping mask.
Fire Dragon - making of - Step 20

Use Pen tool to add white eye, then set its layer mode to Overlay too.

Fire Dragon - making of - Step 21

To be continued

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