Manual drawing picture in pencil style
Even there are many kinds of plug ins and built-in effects for Photoshop, however a pencil drawing is beautiful or not, is depended
a lot on the artist. In this tutorial, I will help you draw a real pencil picture not use much effect like before.You art work will be more realistic than ever.
I would like to use this picture from this . Pretty cool, huh ?
Step 1: Open the file
Then you go to [layer]>[new fill layer]>[solid color...] . In the opened dialogue box , you name the layer: ” nen giay” > [ok]
Another dialogue will appear, you use the same numbers below.
Press [ok].
Next, [Layer]>[new fill layer]>[pattern]. Name this layer is “nep giay” .
A window of patterns will be displayed. You click on that pattern, then click on the left arrow on the table below.
You choose ’artist surfaces’ —> [ok] . And seletc ’Burlap’ ( the third from left, firsts row). Set Scale is 30 %.
Set Blend Option is Ddarken, fill: 25%
Duplicate the background layer.
Name this layer is ’vien’.
Drag this layer on the op
Then go to [filter]>[Stylize]>[glowing edges]. Use the following numbers:
Press [OK]
Then you press Ctrl + shift + u in order to transform the picture to the black & white color.
Press Ctrl + I ( Inverse color),
Now the picture has the edge. Notice that there will be some big black lines, you should use the white brush to override them.
Set Blend Option is Multiply, Fill: 50%
Duplicate another layer from the background layer, name this ’ ve’. Again, throw it on the top.
Press Ctrl + shift + u in order to make it black & white color.
Then go to [images]>[adjustments]>[brightness/contrast]
Use the following numbers (you could change for your own pictures)
Then, go to [filter]>[noise]>[add noise]
Set Blend option is multiply.
Go to [layer]>[layer mask]>[hide all]
At this step. the layer ’ve’ has the mask, which hidden all of other layers.
Step 2:
Select Brush tool , use Dry media brushes :
Select the first on in this table
Press F5 in order to call the Brush Options panel, then make the following settings
- Brush Tip shape : + Roundness 20%
- Angles -120
- Shape Dynamics: + Control : Fade : 255
- Minimum Diameter : 16 %
Then, we are going to draw
- Firstly, we need to make a sketch. By changing Angles & Minimum Diamenter, we could adjust the brush suitably.
- Press [ & ] to increase and decrease the size of brush
- Press Shift + [ & ] to change the softness.
We need to apply some art technique when drawing, and should notice the setting of brushes.
After finishing, press Ctrl + Alt + E (combine all of layers).
Use the Burn tool ( O ) with the setting [ power : 10 -> 15 %]
Here is the final result: